Expert Physiotherapy Services in Colchester 

In a perfect world, everyone would have a group of advisers with different expertise for every area of life - physiotherapy services in Colchester included!  
From Financial wizards to guide mortgage and pension decisions, to career coaches to help you get the most out of your working life, and a Personal Trainer, Physio and maybe even a motivational coach to ensure your physical health is well looked cared for. 
Lets get real. You have to make many of these tough decisions on your own, but we all pay for good advice. You pay the Accountant to keep things on the straight and narrow,  
you pay the Bank to look after your money and you pay Solicitors for all sorts of things! In other words, you should choose your team very wisely. 

So what sort of treatment can I expect? 

This largely depends on your specific problem. For example: If a stiff or painful joint is the problem, treatment will normally focus on mobilizing the joint by specific pressure techniques and increasing the flexibility of surrounding muscles and ligaments. You will then be shown exercises to maintain and increase this movement. 
For example, everyone is becoming more aware that injuries that used to be considered a long term tendonitis is more likely to be a Tendinopathy (aka tendinosis). 
Instead of steroid injections and rest, many of these issues are best dealt with through controlled loading, gradual strengthening, and in fact the evidence is pointing more in the direction of heavy, slow resistance in many cases! 
Whatever your specific problem, Physio will help you understand what your problem is, give you an explanation as to perhaps why it happened in the first place. You will also be advised how you can recover as quickly as possible, some exercises to do at home, and how to prevent suffering the same problem in the future. 
A real win/win. 
If you want to know more about the conditions Physiotherapists treat, please contact us on 01206 579631 and we will be happy to talk to you about any questions you have about Physiotherapy and how effective it can be for many different painful and limiting conditions. 

Injury Prevention 

Training goals are set by the individual, or in conjunction with a coach and will be enhanced by the work of a good Strength & Conditioning practitioner but certainly guided by an effective pre-season screening (normally conducted by a Physiotherapist - assisted by a larger team). These screenings are designed to seek out your weak points, so they can be strengthened; identify growth patterns so that training can be maximised; and analyse areas of imbalance that give clues to whether the training (and any other activity you participate in) are creating risks to your short, medium and long term health. This will lead to an Injury Prevention programme, often known as ‘Pre-hab’. 
This is in line with EVERY PRO ATHLETE. 
In days gone by, there will have been athletes that did not ascribe to this philosophy, and got by on their skill alone. That situation now very rarely exists, and with the present day maelstrom of professional sport demands, where players rack up the impact on their bodies in search of ranking points, selection for the next game, or consideration for the national team there is ever greater need to start from the best laid foundations. 
Just consider the Tennis at the US Open over the last couple of weeks. The players hit thousands of serves, and endure set after set of explosive movements which understandably create an incremental muscle imbalance throughout the hips, shoulders, and spine, and as a result there are injury risks at every turn, even when they are seriously well looked after! 
So where should you start? 
The first step is to find a physio who is able to understand your limitations, consider the detailed demands of your sport, and be able to advise you on the most effective way to strengthen, lengthen and adapt your body. This can be done incredibly well in the off-season, or pre-season, but if you haven't really looked at it before, it is essential you get yourself checked out ASAP. Our physios have a wealth of experience across many sports and fully understand the needs of you, the athlete whether you be an elite performer or if you simply want to get back to playing sport after years of absence! Golfers, Netball lovers, Runners, Rugby players and Footballers' can make significant improvements to their game by starting their training the right way. 

S H U T T L E S E R V I C E   

Having moved from our old Clinic at 97 Crouch Street, CO3 3HA, situated centrally in Colchester we recognized that many of our non driving and centrally located clients would require alternative transport to reach us. Our free Shuttle service is available at select times through the week and will transport you to and from the new clinic. Pick up and drop off point is outside Crouch Streets Bakes , 99 Crouch Street CO3 3HA @CrouchSt.Bake (next to our old clinic). Best coffee and cake in Colchester in our opinion so why not treat yourself before or after your treatment session. 


Sports specific 
